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Lukin SM, Bonial C, Marge M, Hudson T, Hayes CJ, Pollard KA, Baker A, Foots AN, Artstein R, Gervits F, Abrams M, Henry C, Donatelli L, Leuski A, Hill SG, Traum D, Voss C (2024). SCOUT: A Situated and Multi-Modal Human-Robot Dialogue Corpus. Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). 14445-14458. [published version (free)]
Neubauer C, Pollard KA, Benbow K, Rabin AH, Forster DE, Nguyen R, Kochert J, Bonsignore E, Campbell S (2024). Measuring and Predicting Technical Fluency: How Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Behaviors Can Contribute to Technological Savviness. Technical report ARL-TR-9884. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory.
Lukin SM, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Hudson T, Artstein R, Voss C, Traum D (2023). Navigating to success in multi-modal human-robot collaboration: Analysis and corpus release. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN). 1859-1865. [published version] [free pdf]
Liu X, Read SJ, Rabin A, Pollard KA, Files BT (2023) Prevention focus and conscientiousness drive accurate responding in stimulus detection. Journal of Research in Personality. 107: 104430. [published version (free)]
Gilani SN, Pollard K, Traum D (2023) Multimodal prediction of user's performance in high-stress dialogue interactions. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ICMI '23 Companion. 71-75. [published version (free)]
Crowell HP, Forster D, Thurman S, Pollard K, Chhan D, Scharine A, Krausman A, Lakhmani S, Brooks JR (2023). Potential indicators of team trust measured in a Next Generation Combat Vehicle simulator. Technical report ARL-TR-9647. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Kusumastuti SA, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Dalangin B, Raber TR, Files BT (2023) Practice improves performance of a 2D uncertainty integration task within and across visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 29(9): 3949-3960. [published version]
Pollard KA, Siriwardena PM, Krum DM, Files BT (2022) Volumetric hazard visualization and navigation in simulated augmented reality. Technical report ARL-TR-9572. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Dalangin B (2022) How to prepare for rapidly evolving technology: Focus on adaptability. Technical report ARL-TR-9432. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)] [also here]
Harrison S, Gorsd M, Hoffman M, Pollard K, Files B (2022) FLATT: A new real-time assessment engine powered by GIFT (2022 Edition). Proceedings of the Tenth Annual GIFT Users Symposium: 91-102. [published version (free)]
Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Dalangin B (2022) Running virtual environment-based experiments online. Technical report ARL-TN-1112. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Rahman ML, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P, Song C, Passaro AD (2022) Combining neural and behavioral measures enhances adaptive training. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 787576. [published version (free)]
Lakhmani SG, Pollard KA, Forster DE, Krausman AS, Wright JL (2022) Guidelines for collecting laboratory speech data. Technical report ARL-TR-9406. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
de Melo CM, Files BT, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P (2021) Social factors in human-agent teaming. In Moallem A (ed.) Smart and Intelligent Systems: The Human Elements in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cybersecurity. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 115-123. [published version]
Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Khooshabeh P, Passaro AD (2021) Correct response negativity may reflect subjective value of reaction time under regulatory fit in a speed-rewarded task. Psychophysiology. 58(9): 13856. [published version (free)]
Oiknine AH, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P, Files BT (2021) Need for Cognition is positively related to promotion focus and negatively related to prevention focus. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 606847. [published version (free)]
Sinatra AM, Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Ericson M, Khooshabeh P (2021) Social fidelity in virtual agents: Impacts on presence and learning. Computers in Human Behavior. 114: 106562. [published version]
Raber TR, Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Dennison MS (2021) Visualizing quantitative uncertainty: A review of common approaches, current limitations, and use cases. Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1206: 56-62. [published version]
Sinatra AM, Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine A, Patton D (2021) Considerations in adding adaptive training to existing virtual environments. Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1206: 41-47. [published version]
Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Files BT, Sinatra AM, Patton D, Ericson M, & Khooshabeh P (2020) Level of immersion affects spatial learning in virtual environments: Results of a three-condition within-subjects study with long intersession intervals. Virtual Reality. 24: 783-796. [published version]
Parong J, Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Sinatra AM, Moss J, Passaro A, & Khooshabeh P (2020) The mediating role of presence differs across types of spatial learning in immersive technologies. Computers in Human Behavior. 107: 106290. [published version]
Sinatra AM, Pollard KA, Oiknine A, Patton D, Ericson M, & Dalangin B (2020) The impact of immersion level and virtual reality experience on outcomes from navigating in a virtual environment. Proc. SPIE 11426, Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (XR) Technology for Multi-Domain Operations, 114260H: 1-7. [published version]
Chaffey P, Artstein R, Georgila K, Pollard KA, Gilani SN, Krum DM, Nelson D, Huynh K, Gainer A, Alavi SH, Yahata R, Leuski A, Yanov V, & Traum D (2020) Human swarm interaction using plays, audibles, and a virtual spokesperson. Proc. SPIE 11413 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications II, 114130V: 1-14. [published version]
Bonial C & Pollard KA (2020) Choosing an event description: What a PropBank study reveals about the contrast between light verb constructions and counterpart synthetic verbs. Journal of Linguistics. 56(3): 577-600. [published version]
Humann J & Pollard KA (2019) Human factors in the scalability of multirobot operation: a review and simulation. Proceedings of IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics 2019 (IEEE SMC 2019): 700-707. [published version]
Files BT, Oiknine AH, Thomas J, Khooshabeh P, Sinatra AM, & Pollard KA (2019) Same task, different place: Developing novel simulation environments with equivalent task difficulties. Advances in Human Factors and Simulation. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 958: 108-119. [published version]
Chaffey P, Artstein R, Georgila K, Pollard KA, Gilani SN, Krum DM, Nelson D, Huynh K, Gainer A, Alavi SH, Yahata R, & Traum D (2019) Developing a virtual reality wildfire simulation to analyze human communication and interaction with a robotic swarm during emergencies. 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019) Session on Human Language Technologies in Crisis and Emergency Management. [accepted version (free)]
Sinatra AM, Oiknine AH, Patton D, Ericson M, Passaro AD, Files BT, Dalangin B, Khooshabeh P, & Pollard KA (2019) Development of cognitive transfer tasks for virtual environments and applications for adaptive instructional systems. Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11597: 340-351. [published version]
Oiknine AH, Files BT, & Pollard KA (2019) Web-based measurement of directional bearings (angular distance). Technical report ARL-TR-0237. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Bonial C, Traum D, Henry C, Lukin SM, Marge M, Artstein R, Pollard KA, Foots A, Baker AL, & Voss CR (2019) Dialogue structure annotation guidelines for Army Research Laboratory (ARL) human-robot dialogue corpus. Technical report ARL-TR-8833. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Lukin SM, Bonial C, Marge M, Hudson T, Hayes CJ, Pollard KA, Baker A, Foots AN, Artstein R, Gervits F, Abrams M, Henry C, Donatelli L, Leuski A, Hill SG, Traum D, Voss C (2024). SCOUT: A Situated and Multi-Modal Human-Robot Dialogue Corpus. Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). 14445-14458. [published version (free)]
Neubauer C, Pollard KA, Benbow K, Rabin AH, Forster DE, Nguyen R, Kochert J, Bonsignore E, Campbell S (2024). Measuring and Predicting Technical Fluency: How Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Behaviors Can Contribute to Technological Savviness. Technical report ARL-TR-9884. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory.
Lukin SM, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Hudson T, Artstein R, Voss C, Traum D (2023). Navigating to success in multi-modal human-robot collaboration: Analysis and corpus release. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN). 1859-1865. [published version] [free pdf]
Liu X, Read SJ, Rabin A, Pollard KA, Files BT (2023) Prevention focus and conscientiousness drive accurate responding in stimulus detection. Journal of Research in Personality. 107: 104430. [published version (free)]
Gilani SN, Pollard K, Traum D (2023) Multimodal prediction of user's performance in high-stress dialogue interactions. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ICMI '23 Companion. 71-75. [published version (free)]
Crowell HP, Forster D, Thurman S, Pollard K, Chhan D, Scharine A, Krausman A, Lakhmani S, Brooks JR (2023). Potential indicators of team trust measured in a Next Generation Combat Vehicle simulator. Technical report ARL-TR-9647. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Kusumastuti SA, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Dalangin B, Raber TR, Files BT (2023) Practice improves performance of a 2D uncertainty integration task within and across visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 29(9): 3949-3960. [published version]
Pollard KA, Siriwardena PM, Krum DM, Files BT (2022) Volumetric hazard visualization and navigation in simulated augmented reality. Technical report ARL-TR-9572. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Dalangin B (2022) How to prepare for rapidly evolving technology: Focus on adaptability. Technical report ARL-TR-9432. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)] [also here]
Harrison S, Gorsd M, Hoffman M, Pollard K, Files B (2022) FLATT: A new real-time assessment engine powered by GIFT (2022 Edition). Proceedings of the Tenth Annual GIFT Users Symposium: 91-102. [published version (free)]
Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Dalangin B (2022) Running virtual environment-based experiments online. Technical report ARL-TN-1112. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Rahman ML, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P, Song C, Passaro AD (2022) Combining neural and behavioral measures enhances adaptive training. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 787576. [published version (free)]
Lakhmani SG, Pollard KA, Forster DE, Krausman AS, Wright JL (2022) Guidelines for collecting laboratory speech data. Technical report ARL-TR-9406. DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
de Melo CM, Files BT, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P (2021) Social factors in human-agent teaming. In Moallem A (ed.) Smart and Intelligent Systems: The Human Elements in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cybersecurity. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 115-123. [published version]
Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Khooshabeh P, Passaro AD (2021) Correct response negativity may reflect subjective value of reaction time under regulatory fit in a speed-rewarded task. Psychophysiology. 58(9): 13856. [published version (free)]
Oiknine AH, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P, Files BT (2021) Need for Cognition is positively related to promotion focus and negatively related to prevention focus. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 606847. [published version (free)]
Sinatra AM, Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Ericson M, Khooshabeh P (2021) Social fidelity in virtual agents: Impacts on presence and learning. Computers in Human Behavior. 114: 106562. [published version]
Raber TR, Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Dennison MS (2021) Visualizing quantitative uncertainty: A review of common approaches, current limitations, and use cases. Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1206: 56-62. [published version]
Sinatra AM, Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine A, Patton D (2021) Considerations in adding adaptive training to existing virtual environments. Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1206: 41-47. [published version]
Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Files BT, Sinatra AM, Patton D, Ericson M, & Khooshabeh P (2020) Level of immersion affects spatial learning in virtual environments: Results of a three-condition within-subjects study with long intersession intervals. Virtual Reality. 24: 783-796. [published version]
Parong J, Pollard KA, Files BT, Oiknine AH, Sinatra AM, Moss J, Passaro A, & Khooshabeh P (2020) The mediating role of presence differs across types of spatial learning in immersive technologies. Computers in Human Behavior. 107: 106290. [published version]
Sinatra AM, Pollard KA, Oiknine A, Patton D, Ericson M, & Dalangin B (2020) The impact of immersion level and virtual reality experience on outcomes from navigating in a virtual environment. Proc. SPIE 11426, Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (XR) Technology for Multi-Domain Operations, 114260H: 1-7. [published version]
Chaffey P, Artstein R, Georgila K, Pollard KA, Gilani SN, Krum DM, Nelson D, Huynh K, Gainer A, Alavi SH, Yahata R, Leuski A, Yanov V, & Traum D (2020) Human swarm interaction using plays, audibles, and a virtual spokesperson. Proc. SPIE 11413 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications II, 114130V: 1-14. [published version]
Bonial C & Pollard KA (2020) Choosing an event description: What a PropBank study reveals about the contrast between light verb constructions and counterpart synthetic verbs. Journal of Linguistics. 56(3): 577-600. [published version]
Humann J & Pollard KA (2019) Human factors in the scalability of multirobot operation: a review and simulation. Proceedings of IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics 2019 (IEEE SMC 2019): 700-707. [published version]
Files BT, Oiknine AH, Thomas J, Khooshabeh P, Sinatra AM, & Pollard KA (2019) Same task, different place: Developing novel simulation environments with equivalent task difficulties. Advances in Human Factors and Simulation. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 958: 108-119. [published version]
Chaffey P, Artstein R, Georgila K, Pollard KA, Gilani SN, Krum DM, Nelson D, Huynh K, Gainer A, Alavi SH, Yahata R, & Traum D (2019) Developing a virtual reality wildfire simulation to analyze human communication and interaction with a robotic swarm during emergencies. 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019) Session on Human Language Technologies in Crisis and Emergency Management. [accepted version (free)]
Sinatra AM, Oiknine AH, Patton D, Ericson M, Passaro AD, Files BT, Dalangin B, Khooshabeh P, & Pollard KA (2019) Development of cognitive transfer tasks for virtual environments and applications for adaptive instructional systems. Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11597: 340-351. [published version]
Oiknine AH, Files BT, & Pollard KA (2019) Web-based measurement of directional bearings (angular distance). Technical report ARL-TR-0237. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Bonial C, Traum D, Henry C, Lukin SM, Marge M, Artstein R, Pollard KA, Foots A, Baker AL, & Voss CR (2019) Dialogue structure annotation guidelines for Army Research Laboratory (ARL) human-robot dialogue corpus. Technical report ARL-TR-8833. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]

Files BT, Pollard KA, Oiknine AH, Passaro AD, & Khooshabeh P (2019) Prevention focus relates to performance on a loss-framed inhibitory control task. Frontiers in Psychology: 10:726. [published version (free)]
Marge M, Bonial C, Lukin SM, Hayes CJ, Foots A, Artstein R, Henry C, Pollard KA, Gordon C, Gervits F, Leuski A, Hill SC, Voss CR, & Traum D (Oct. 2018) Balancing efficiency and coverage in human-robot dialogue collection. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium (AAAI 2018), Interactive Learning in Artificial Intelligence for Human-Root Interaction (AI-HRI 2018). [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Lukin SM, Marge M, Foots A, & Hill SG (Oct. 2018) How we talk with robots: Eliciting minimally-constrained speech to build natural language interfaces and capabilities. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES 2018): 160-164. [published version]
Lukin SM, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Marge M, Henry C, Artstein R, Traum D, & Voss CR (July 2018) Consequences and factors of stylistic differences in human-robot dialogue. Proceedings of the SIGDIAL (Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue) Conference (SIGdial 2018): 110-118. [published version (free)]
Henry C, Gordon C, Traum D, Lukin S, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Bonial C, Voss C, Foots A, & Marge M (June 2018) Faster pace in human-robot dialogue leads to fewer dialogue overlaps. Proceedings of the 2nd Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop, North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2018). [accepted version (free)]
Oiknine AH, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P, Passaro AD, & Files BT (May 2018) Effects of feedback framing and regulatory focus are task-dependent. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring Symposium (GIFTSym6). [published version (free)]
Traum D, Henry C, Lukin S, Artstein R, Gervits F, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Lei S, Voss CR, Marge M, Hayes CJ, & Hill SG (May 2018) Dialogue structure annotation for multi-floor interaction. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018): 104-111. [published version (free)]
Bonial C, Lukin SM, Foots A, Henry C, Marge M, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Traum D, & Voss CR (May 2018) Human robot dialogue and collaboration in search and navigation. Proceedings of the Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions Workshop, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). [published version (free)]
Henry C, Lukin S, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Foots A, Artstein R, Voss CR, Traum D, Marge M, Hayes CJ, & Hill SG (April 2018) The Bot Language project: Moving towards natural dialogue with robots. SoCal Natural Language Processing Symposium (SoCal NLP 2018). [accepted version (free)]
Bonial C, Marge M, Artstein R, Gervits F, Hayes CJ, Henry C, Hill SG, Leuski A, Moolchandani P, Pollard KA, Traum D, & Voss CR (November 2017) Laying down the yellow brick road: Development of a Wizard-of-Oz interface for collecting human-robot dialogue. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium (AAAI 2017). [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Garrett L (2017) Speech intelligibility of aircrew mask communication configurations in high-noise environments. Technical report ARL-TR-8168. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Marge M, Bonial C, Foots A, Hayes C, Henry C, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Voss CR, & Traum D (August 2017) Exploring variation of natural human commands to a robot in a collaborative navigation task. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017): 58-66. [published version (free)]
Henry C, Moolchandani P, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Foots A, Artstein R, Hayes C, Voss CR, Traum D, & Marge M (July 2017)Towards efficient human-robot dialogue collection: Moving Fido into the virtual world. Proceedings of the 1st Women and Underrepresented Minorities in Computational Linguistics Workshop, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017). [published version (free)]
Henry C, Moolchandani P, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Foots A, Hayes C, Artstein R, Voss CR, Traum D, & Marge M (2017) Towards efficient human-robot dialogue collection: Moving Fido into the virtual world. SoCal Robotics Symposium (SCR 2017). [accepted version (free)]
Pollard KA, Tran PK, & Letowski TR (2017) Morphological differences affect speech transmission over bone conduction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 141(2): 936-944. [published version] [free pdf*]
Marge M, Bonial C, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Byrne B, Hill SG, Voss C, & Traum D (2016) Assessing agreement in human-robot dialogue strategies: A tale of two wizards. Proceedings of the 16th International Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference (IVA 2016): 484-488. [published version]
Foots A, Gaston J, Pollard KA, & Mermagen T (2015) Auditory demonstrations for STEM outreach. Technical report ARL-SR-0306. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
McBride M, Tran P, Pollard KA, Letowski T, & McMillan GP (2015) Effects of bone vibrator position on auditory spatial perception tasks. Human Factors. 57(8): 1443-1458. [published version] [free pdf]
Marge M, Bonial C, Lukin SM, Hayes CJ, Foots A, Artstein R, Henry C, Pollard KA, Gordon C, Gervits F, Leuski A, Hill SC, Voss CR, & Traum D (Oct. 2018) Balancing efficiency and coverage in human-robot dialogue collection. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium (AAAI 2018), Interactive Learning in Artificial Intelligence for Human-Root Interaction (AI-HRI 2018). [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Lukin SM, Marge M, Foots A, & Hill SG (Oct. 2018) How we talk with robots: Eliciting minimally-constrained speech to build natural language interfaces and capabilities. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES 2018): 160-164. [published version]
Lukin SM, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Marge M, Henry C, Artstein R, Traum D, & Voss CR (July 2018) Consequences and factors of stylistic differences in human-robot dialogue. Proceedings of the SIGDIAL (Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue) Conference (SIGdial 2018): 110-118. [published version (free)]
Henry C, Gordon C, Traum D, Lukin S, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Bonial C, Voss C, Foots A, & Marge M (June 2018) Faster pace in human-robot dialogue leads to fewer dialogue overlaps. Proceedings of the 2nd Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop, North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2018). [accepted version (free)]
Oiknine AH, Pollard KA, Khooshabeh P, Passaro AD, & Files BT (May 2018) Effects of feedback framing and regulatory focus are task-dependent. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring Symposium (GIFTSym6). [published version (free)]
Traum D, Henry C, Lukin S, Artstein R, Gervits F, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Lei S, Voss CR, Marge M, Hayes CJ, & Hill SG (May 2018) Dialogue structure annotation for multi-floor interaction. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018): 104-111. [published version (free)]
Bonial C, Lukin SM, Foots A, Henry C, Marge M, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Traum D, & Voss CR (May 2018) Human robot dialogue and collaboration in search and navigation. Proceedings of the Annotation, Recognition and Evaluation of Actions Workshop, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). [published version (free)]
Henry C, Lukin S, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Foots A, Artstein R, Voss CR, Traum D, Marge M, Hayes CJ, & Hill SG (April 2018) The Bot Language project: Moving towards natural dialogue with robots. SoCal Natural Language Processing Symposium (SoCal NLP 2018). [accepted version (free)]
Bonial C, Marge M, Artstein R, Gervits F, Hayes CJ, Henry C, Hill SG, Leuski A, Moolchandani P, Pollard KA, Traum D, & Voss CR (November 2017) Laying down the yellow brick road: Development of a Wizard-of-Oz interface for collecting human-robot dialogue. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium (AAAI 2017). [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Garrett L (2017) Speech intelligibility of aircrew mask communication configurations in high-noise environments. Technical report ARL-TR-8168. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Marge M, Bonial C, Foots A, Hayes C, Henry C, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Voss CR, & Traum D (August 2017) Exploring variation of natural human commands to a robot in a collaborative navigation task. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017): 58-66. [published version (free)]
Henry C, Moolchandani P, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Foots A, Artstein R, Hayes C, Voss CR, Traum D, & Marge M (July 2017)Towards efficient human-robot dialogue collection: Moving Fido into the virtual world. Proceedings of the 1st Women and Underrepresented Minorities in Computational Linguistics Workshop, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017). [published version (free)]
Henry C, Moolchandani P, Pollard KA, Bonial C, Foots A, Hayes C, Artstein R, Voss CR, Traum D, & Marge M (2017) Towards efficient human-robot dialogue collection: Moving Fido into the virtual world. SoCal Robotics Symposium (SCR 2017). [accepted version (free)]
Pollard KA, Tran PK, & Letowski TR (2017) Morphological differences affect speech transmission over bone conduction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 141(2): 936-944. [published version] [free pdf*]
Marge M, Bonial C, Pollard KA, Artstein R, Byrne B, Hill SG, Voss C, & Traum D (2016) Assessing agreement in human-robot dialogue strategies: A tale of two wizards. Proceedings of the 16th International Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference (IVA 2016): 484-488. [published version]
Foots A, Gaston J, Pollard KA, & Mermagen T (2015) Auditory demonstrations for STEM outreach. Technical report ARL-SR-0306. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
McBride M, Tran P, Pollard KA, Letowski T, & McMillan GP (2015) Effects of bone vibrator position on auditory spatial perception tasks. Human Factors. 57(8): 1443-1458. [published version] [free pdf]
Pollard KA, Tran PK, & Letowski TR (2015) The effect of vocal and demographic traits on speech intelligibility over bone conduction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 137(4): 2060-2069. [published version] [free pdf*]
Pollard KA, Garrett L, & Tran P (2014) Bone conduction systems for full-face respirators: Speech intelligibility analysis. Technical report ARL-TR-6883. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Amrein BE et al., including Pollard KA & 25 others (2014) Sensory perception in the Human Research and Engineering Directorate: Thrust areas and recent research 2011-2014. Special report ARL-SR-0293. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Tran PK, & Letowski TR (2013) A free-field method to calibrate bone conduction transducers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 133(2): 858-865. [published version] [free pdf*]
Schmeisser E, Pollard KA, & Letowski T (2013) Olfaction warfare: odor as sword and shield. Technical report ARL-SR-0258. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Blumstein DT (2012) Evolving communicative complexity: insights from rodents and beyond. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367: 1869-1878. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Blumstein DT (2011) Social group size predicts the evolution of individuality. Current Biology. 21(5): 413-417. (cover article) [published version (free)]
Pollard KA (2011) Making the most of alarm signals: the adaptive value of individual discrimination in an alarm context. Behavioral Ecology. 22(1): 93-100. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Blumstein DT, & Griffin SC (2010) Pre-screening acoustic and other natural signatures for use in noninvasive individual identification. Journal of Applied Ecology. 47(5): 1103-1109. (cover article) [published version (free)]
Pollard KA (2009) Causes and consequences of sociality: time allocation, individuality, and the evolution of group size in mammals. Doctoral dissertation. Los Angeles: University of California. [published version] [free pdf]
Pollard KA, Garrett L, & Tran P (2014) Bone conduction systems for full-face respirators: Speech intelligibility analysis. Technical report ARL-TR-6883. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Amrein BE et al., including Pollard KA & 25 others (2014) Sensory perception in the Human Research and Engineering Directorate: Thrust areas and recent research 2011-2014. Special report ARL-SR-0293. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Tran PK, & Letowski TR (2013) A free-field method to calibrate bone conduction transducers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 133(2): 858-865. [published version] [free pdf*]
Schmeisser E, Pollard KA, & Letowski T (2013) Olfaction warfare: odor as sword and shield. Technical report ARL-SR-0258. U.S. Army Research Laboratory. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Blumstein DT (2012) Evolving communicative complexity: insights from rodents and beyond. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367: 1869-1878. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Blumstein DT (2011) Social group size predicts the evolution of individuality. Current Biology. 21(5): 413-417. (cover article) [published version (free)]
Pollard KA (2011) Making the most of alarm signals: the adaptive value of individual discrimination in an alarm context. Behavioral Ecology. 22(1): 93-100. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA, Blumstein DT, & Griffin SC (2010) Pre-screening acoustic and other natural signatures for use in noninvasive individual identification. Journal of Applied Ecology. 47(5): 1103-1109. (cover article) [published version (free)]
Pollard KA (2009) Causes and consequences of sociality: time allocation, individuality, and the evolution of group size in mammals. Doctoral dissertation. Los Angeles: University of California. [published version] [free pdf]
Garamszegi LZ, Calhim S, Dochtermann N, Hegyi G, Hurd PL, Jørgensen C, Kutsukake N, Lajeunesse MJ, Pollard KA, Schielzeth H, Symonds MRE, & Nakagawa S (2009) Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology. Behavioral Ecology. 20(6): 1363-1375. [published version (free)]
Pollard KA & Blumstein DT (2008) Time allocation and the evolution of group size. Animal Behaviour. 76: 1683-1699. [published version] [free pdf]
Pollard KA & Blumstein DT (2008) Time allocation and the evolution of group size. Animal Behaviour. 76: 1683-1699. [published version] [free pdf]
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*Copyright (2017, 2015, and 2013) Acoustical Society of America. These articles may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. These articles appeared in JASA 141(2), JASA 137(4), and JASA 133(2), respectively, and may be found at (, (, and (